The 1999 documentary was directed by by Barry W. Blaustein and mostly follows the lives of Mick Foley(ManKind), Jake Roberts and Terry Funk. The 3 at very different stages of their career. There is Mick who is at the height of his career and competing for WWF titles, then there is Funk who is pondering retirement and then you have Roberts who is living the Mickey Rouke(The Wreslter)life. Also Blaustein has a sitdown with WWF Chairman Vince McMahon in a non WWF produced interview. Something that you probably won't see much of anymore.
You also get a look at the ECW organization as they get prepared for their
Its probably not a show that you should watch with the kids. There are some images that are strictly for adult viewing. Especially during the Jake Roberts segment which will have some moments. What the movie does at the end of the day is show the human element of these larger then life superstars. Whether it's the love of your family as we see with Foley and Funk or the human flaws of substance abuse that we see with Roberts.
This video can be easily found on streaming Netflix or you can order it on Amazon. Youtube also has the movie broken up in a few parts of you want to view that way. Either way its a must see for any wrestling fan.
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